Brought Rickie home yesterday. I spent two days on the couch in his room - the only really bad part of the U of M hospital. It is about 5 feet 10 inches long, and I'm about 4 inches longer than that...
But, Rickie was doing well, and this time none of the other ailments that often accompany an exacerbation, like weight loss or diarrhea or a fever was evident and he was already getting better, so we brought him home. They set us up very well, and to be fair, my wife now has the regiment down, so she knows which medicines to provide and when, etc. He still needs IV's, but she can now do that herself, so we can free up the bed for someone else's kid. For the first two days, Rickie did not like it, but after about the third day, he changed his mind. He went to school at the hospital with their in-house teacher, found some new friends (interns and volunteers) to play video games with him, and was generally feeling more comfortable. So, he asked if he could stay a couple of more days, but we had to decline.
Swam three miles today - first two were pretty slow, but then I started to feel better and did a 28:30. That is still very slow, but it's my third mile and I'm old...
We're all feeling pretty good right about now - Rickie's on he mend and home, and the sun was shining - even if it was 10 degrees when we awoke this morning.
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