
Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Starting Over... Despite the fact that this is Swim #8!!, it still feels like each year we are starting over.  So, this year, as we slog through the planing phases, we already have more than enough swimmers committed now - a month in advance. That has never happened - usually we are filling up the roster near the end.  And our total of 16 swimmers represents only one new face, Larry Arreguin, who has been asking for a year to join us.  Almost everyone from the last several years is returning!! 

But, we do need a boat. Usually we have more than enough boats and need to hustle to fill them with swimmers.  this year?  We have one boat that will carry 8 swimmers. We need one more that can carry 8 more swimmers. And we could use a Seadoo as well. They are absolutely awesome to have along..  If you know of anyone with a boat who would like to join this very loyal group of swimmers, please have them contact us. It would make a huge difference...
And there is another difference this year as well - Fares Ksebati and Sara Franklin are both stepping up to help out.  Fares is now officially helping with the special media and fundraising - while Sara is quarterbacking the effort.  We are at the point where Mike Stevens and I can no longer do it all.  We have had a great deal of help in the past, most notably Bruce Babiarz on PR and Dave Draper on arranging food, sponsors, etc., but having Fares and Sara on board is a huge relief.

I believe Fares may be taking over this blog in the future. So, hopefully the quality of the writing will pick up;-)